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How to prevent heat stroke. Travel safe during the summer

If you are traveling Europe right now and especially southern Spain, then you have noticed that the temperatures have increased a lot during these past days. The first heat wave is here, and we want to give you some tips, so you can enjoy the hot weather without any problem.
Summer is here, and it is true that it makes everything more fun, going outdoors, to a pool, the beach, a beautiful park. But on days that the temperatures are especially high we have to be very careful. The heat and humidity could become a risk to our health, it is fundamental to be well informed, so it doesn’t affect us. It is important to know what a heat stroke is and pay special attention its symptoms to recognize if we are suffering one.
A heat stroke is the increase of our body temperature as a result of a long exposure to the sun or even doing physical efforts in places where temperatures are high or not well ventilated. Under these circumstances, the body suffers an important loss of water and has difficulties to regulate the body temperature. You will feel kind of dizzy and can even faint.

Symptoms of heat stroke

The signs of heat stroke vary from one person to the other, but it normally includes a body temperature extremely high, above 39.5 degrees, headaches, nausea, dizziness, red skin, warm and dry without any sweat. Plus, blood pressure and respiration become more and more weak.

It is very important to learn how to differentiate between just being hot to having an actual heat stroke. It is important to know that heat stroke is a very critical, not so common situation. Many people experience symptoms like dizziness or low pression without it being necessarily a heat stroke but just a regular warmth of the body that can de fixed by drinking cold water or going to an indoor, fresh space. Not everybody that feels that their body are getting to hot needs to go immediately to the doctor.
There are some things that you can try to lower your body temperature when you feel too hot. Having some ice or even taking a cold shower. If these doesn’t work, then the time to go to get medical help has come. Try calling a doctor you trust or if you are travelling ask locals for the nearest hospital, so you can be treated in the emergency.
General recommendations
- Do not eat heavy or abundant meals. It is better if you eat light food like fruits, vegetables, salads, nuts.
- If you are going out for some drinks be careful with those that increase the temperature of the body. Try having a cold beer, a tinto de verano or drinks that come with ice and can refresh your body.
- It is good to avoid drinks that are too cold or too hot or those that have a lot of sugar or caffeine. They will stimulate your body making it work faster than usual. Be careful with alcohol as well, it tends to rise your body temperature and fluids loss.
- Keep yourself hydrated, specially with water. Drinking at least 2 litters of fresh water during the day will keep your body temperature controlled.
- Don’t do any intense physical activity in warm environments or places that are exposed to the sun. If you want to exercise while you are travelling is better to wait for the night time. Mornings and afternoons tend to be extremely hot.
- Wear Sunscreen, Sunburn affects your body’s ability to cool down and can make you dehydrated. If you must go outdoors, protect yourself from the sun by wearing a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and by putting on sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher 30 minutes prior to going out. Continue to reapply it according to the package directions.

-Wear Appropriate Clothing: Choose lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothing that will keep your body cooler.

The most important thing during your summer holidays is to be informed, stay cool and stay hydrated so you can be safe while traveling. Now, put on your bathing suit and enjoy the good weather in southern Spain.

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